Monitoring & Evaluation Visits – 2023
RCEL HQ staff conduct several Monitoring and Evaluation visits to various commonwealth countries each year
to ensure we meet our FCDO contractual requirements as set out in the AGA.
Secretary General Christopher Warren
Visits Guyana
GUYANA 25 – 28 September 2023
This was the first visit to Guyana since 2012 and alongside Jamaica, was the final trip undertaken by RCEL Secretary General, Chris Warren before his retirement in 2024.
This was a timely visit to Guyana and Chris was able to interview five potential new beneficiaries whilst there, though verification of service remains problematic.

Secretary General Christopher Warren
Visits Jamaica
JAMAICA 29 September - 4 October 2023
This was the first visit to Jamaica since 2018. Secretary General, Chris Warren was greeted on arrival in Jamaica by RCEL Caribbean Project Officer, Johanna Lewin RCEL Commonwealth Council Member for Jamaica. Dr Erica Myers-Davis was in Jamaica at the time and joined Chris and Johanna for some meetings during the visit.
The Jamaica Legion is well supported by its government and there is a British Defence Adviser on the island. The Executive Director of the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL), Steven Clark accompanied Chris throughout his visit to Jamaica to understand RCEL operations in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean, which RCL largely fund.
Steven was able to witness at first hand the excellent work Johanna undertakes for RCEL and RCL. Her networks are extensive and her commitment admirable.
Representational meetings were held with the Governor General, His Excellency Sir Patrick Allen and the Deputy British High Commissioner, David Shepherd. Other meetings took place with the Jamaica Defence Force CDS, Vice Admiral Antonette Weymss-Gorman and the British ADA, Sqn Ldr Craig Pearson.

Deputy Grand President and Controller Welfare & Grants
Visit Malawi
MALAWI 22 - 27 October 2023
This visit provided a great opportunity for the Deputy Grand President, Major General Mitch Mitchell DGP to gain first-hand experience of RCEL and KAVT operations in Malawi. It was also a timely visit to discuss a long-term solution for future RCEL operations in Malawi from 2024 onwards when Denis Lewis, Kings African Rifles Trust (KVAT) Honorary Advisor, Denis Lewis, steps down from his role.

Controller Welfare & Grants
Visit Kenya
KENYA 27 - 31 October 2023
There have been a number of changes within both the Defence Forces Old Comrades Association (DEFOCA) and British Legion Kenya (BLK) since the last visit by Controller Finance so this was a timely visit.

Programme Manager & Honorary Treasurer
Visit Sierra Leone
SIERRA LEONE 5 - 8 November 2023
Sierra Leone is a complex country requiring greater oversight than many others, so this was the second visit in a 12-month period.
The RCEL Programme Manager, Pasan Kularatne was joined by the Honorary Treasurer, Jeremy Archer.

Programme Manager and Honorary Treasurer
Visit Ghana
GHANA 9 - 16 November 2023
This was the first visit to Ghana since 2019, when the then Programme Manager, David Thompson visited. Ghana has a very solid veterans’ support network, funded by the Ministry of Defence.
VAG (Veterans Administration Ghana) has ten regional offices and three were visited during this trip.

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